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How to address concerns about your relationship with your attorney:

All proceedings for the investigation of complaints and grievances involving alleged misconduct of any member of the Bar of this state, all proceedings for the discipline of such members of the Bar, and all proceedings for reinstatement to the practice of law in this state shall be brought, conducted and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Rule 413 of the Appellate Court Rules. These matters must be handled exclusively by the Board of Commissioners on Grievance and Discipline. You may direct your concerns in writing as follows:

Board of Commissioners on
Grievances and Discipline
South Carolina Supreme Court
PO Box 11330
Columbia, SC 29211

In addition, The South Carolina Bar has several other programs available to help iron out matters that arise between clients and their attorneys.  For a list of these programs, visit the SC Bar's website at

Contact Us Today

Membership in the York County Bar Association is open to any member of the South Carolina Bar residing or having an active law office within York County.

Eligible applicants for membership of the YCBA shall be admitted upon filing out and returning the membership form and fee to the Secretary of the YCBA at [email protected] or specifically noting request with annual SC Bar dues.

Mailing Address

1735 Heckle Boulevard
Suite 103-246,
Rock Hill, SC 29732
